Help For Traumatic Injuries

The leg injured woman visiting young doctor traumatologist
There are three types of trauma, acute, chronic, and complex. Acute trauma stems from a single stressful or dangerous event. Examples of the causes of acute trauma include being in an accident, surviving a disaster, or being the victim of a crime.
Chronic trauma is caused by continuous and repetitive exposure to highly stressful events. Causes of chronic trauma include abuse, severe bullying, and domestic violence.
The third form of trauma, complex trauma is a bit more complex to define. Complex trauma comes from more prolonged or invasive events. These include long-term neglect or abuse. PTSD would be another form of complex trauma. Regardless of the type or cause of trauma, you are dealing with, there is help for it.
*Give Yourself Time and Take Time for Yourself:
You need time. Supposedly time heals our wounds. Is this true? Who knows, but it will definitely diminish the painful memories you are experiencing. There is no set time this should take. It is going to be different for everyone. No one should say things like ‘that was a long time ago’ or ‘you’re still upset about that.’ You have no timetable for the help you need as a result of your trauma.
*Understand as Much as you Can:
This is a tough one. Why did you get sick? Why did that drunk driver run the red light? Why did your parents not love you the way they should have? These are not easy questions to answer, especially on your own. This is where professional help can be very important. See a counselor or psychiatrist. These professionals will talk to you about your needs. They will answer your questions with honesty and true understanding. Your friends will listen to you, but they will listen to respond. A professional will listen to understand. You need understanding.
*Be Involved with Other Survivors:
There are groups, websites, blogs, organizations, and a litany of other platforms where you can find and give support. Your personal experience doesn’t make you an expert, but it does make you an authority. You lived it, and are probably continuing to live it if you are reading this. That’s okay. These options are always there for you to help someone and be helped by others.
*Ask for Help and Talk it Over:
This is obviously very similar to what was discussed with understanding what happened. The counseling doesn’t just have to help explain your traumatic situation. It can also help you make decisions about your current life and help you plan for the future. You have a future. A very bright future. You don’t need to be defined by your trauma or traumatic event.
*Set a Routine and Do Normal Things:
This one is so important. You need to get back to life or start your life. Having hobbies is a huge help for keeping your mind occupied on something other than your traumatic struggles. Get up each morning, have your coffee, wash and get ready for the day. A new day. A day that you now control, not your trauma. Become liberated from this weight bearing down on you. You deserve to be happy.