How to Recover from a Fall

Falling can be scary, especially for those of a certain age. According to the CDC, more than one out of four seniors ages 65 and older fall every year. Most falls don’t result in serious injury, but the experience can take a psychological toll on the patient. The fear of falling can be crippling for some, especially for those who live alone. If you have recently fallen or know someone who has, please take these tips into consideration during recovery.
- Meet with your doctor. There are many things that can impact balance and mobility, such as low blood pressure, changes in eyesight, your current medications, and low levels of vitamin D. Discuss any of these that you are experiencing with your doctor so he or she can help determine which exercises will help improve your coordination and activity levels.
- Stay active within your range of mobility. Alter your lifestyle and make healthier choices. Exercising not only makes you feel better, but it also increases your strength and flexibility while improving your balance. The better the balance, the less likely you are to fall. Something as simple as a short walk each day will help.
- Wear the appropriate attire. Shoes that are slip resistant are always a great choice, even more so if they’re sturdy. Refrain from wearing tight clothes, as this can restrict mobility. However, don’t wear clothes that are too loose either; these can easily get caught on doorknobs, chairs, and other objects. Remove reading glasses before walking around to prevent dizziness.
- Clear the clutter. It never hurts to clean your home of clutter. The more stuff you have lying around, the more likely you are to trip or fall over it. If you have rugs on the floor, make sure they have non-slip backings on them so you don’t slide. Keep all electrical cords out of the way to prevent tripping.