What To Do If You Get The Flu

The flu often manifests differently in people, showing different symptoms. However, the most common symptoms include a sudden fever, body aches, and a slight tickle in the throat. According to statistics, a significant number of the population comes down with the flu annually. For this reason, it is best to identify the symptoms on time and take care of yourself accordingly.
The most vulnerable members of the community include children, pregnant women, and the older generation, not forgetting people with low immune systems and respiratory disorders. There is no known cure for the flu. However, there are medications and ways you can manage the flu and get back on your feet.
Here are a few tips you should consider.
Stay at Home and Get Plenty of Rest
Staying at home is not only for your benefit but for those around you, at work or in public spaces. Once you notice the symptoms, it’s advisable to call in sick for a few days since flu is known to be contagious. Use this opportunity to rest and give your body ample time to fight the virus.
Drink a lot of Fluids
When you have the flu, one of the most important things is to stay hydrated. You don’t have to limit yourself to water; mix it up with some fresh juice and broth-based soups like noodles and chicken. Constant hydration helps to keep your respiratory system moist. This way, you can avoid a dry throat. Constantly hydrating helps thin the mucus layer, making it easy to cough up. Mucus build-up in the lungs could lead to an infection.
Treat Aches and Fevers
Fevers often result from the body trying to fight off the virus. This, in turn, causes the body’s core temperature to rise. The body heating up can prove to be very uncomfortable, especially when they come with body aches. Fevers and aches can be treated using various over-the-counter drugs like ibuprofen, naproxen, and acetaminophen. However, it is best to consult with your resident physician on which of these medications best fit you.
Deal with the Cough
Most flu cases are accompanied by coughs which can get severe if not properly managed. However, these coughs can be managed by over-the-counter medications. Consult with your pharmacist or doctor on which expectorant you should take. Expectorants turn the mucus in your respiratory system into liquid, making it easy to cough up.
Run the Humidifier
If you catch a cold during winter or leave in a house with dry air, you may want to consider turning on the humidifier. A mist humidifier or vaporizer may be the best option in this case. Humidifiers help to ease congestion and reduce coughs. However, you should avoid running warm mist since this could promote the growth of mold and bacteria.
Ask for Antiviral
In most cases, it’s advisable to give your body a fighting chance while managing the symptoms. However, in severe cases, you may need to get prescriptions for an antiviral drug. These drugs can help fight the infection and get you back on your feet sooner.
There are several home remedies you can employ to effectively manage your flu. However, for people with high risks of complications, it’s best to consult with your doctor as soon as the symptoms kick in.