What Can I Do For Lower Back Pain?

It’s the slight twinge that causes you to freeze mid-stretch. It’s a throbbing sensation or a dull, deep ache. Whatever it feels like, lower back pain is uncomfortable and unwanted. There are ways to help ease the pain. Try these tips to relieve the discomfort:

1. Yoga Stretches
Soothing stretches like the ‘downward dog’ help to ease tight lower back muscles. Daily yoga performed in the mornings will promote blood flow to the discs, joints, and muscles. Continued practice will increase flexibility. This will lessen the likelihood of injury or strain to your lower back. Start slow and be consistent with your yoga practice for optimal results.

2. Use Ergonomics
Prolonged standing or sitting can result in tension that settles in your lower back. By the end of the day, you can barely walk. To help with this problem, invest in shoes with great sole support. Shoes that cushion the arches and support the alignment of your feet and legs will help your lower back. Use ergonomic mats when standing, or lumbar cushions when sitting. It will take the pressure off of your lower back. Proper posture when sitting and alternating legs when standing will also help relieve stress.

3. Sleeping Aids
The culprit for lower back pain may be found in the night. Your sleep position may twist the spine, causing pain when you wake up. To prevent this, use a body pillow or specialized knee pillow between your legs if you are a side sleeper. This will prevent the spine from sagging to one side. If you are a back sleeper, consider propping your lower legs and feet on pillows. This helps prevent the lower back from being in an awkward arch.

4. Exercise
Strong back muscles will help to prevent the lower back from arching and possible injury. Getting strong back muscles may cause some discomfort until they are stronger. The bridge pose, knee-to-chest, and side stretches will strengthen the muscles supporting your lower back. Check with your doctor before starting any exercises. Start slow and work up to your required repetitions.

5. Ice and Heat
If your lower back pain is the result of injury or accident, using ice and heat can help with pain relief. Most physicians suggest the use of an ice pace at first. The cold will inhibit inflammation and swelling. Place the ice pack on your lower back. Never leave it on more than twenty minutes at a time. After a couple of days, you can use a heating pad if necessary. The heat feels great and helps to relax muscles. Again, do not leave the heating pad in place for more than twenty minutes. You can also alternate hot and cold therapies for lower back pain.

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